
A hard exercise for me. With regular practice I progress slowly.

Three years ago I could not do a bridge. It did not seem hard, but when I tried, I could not do it. I managed to lift myself up for a few centimeters for an instant, but that was it.

That was years ago. Now I do it better. Video from January 2019:

I should have more weight over my hands. I will fix it.

Do not hurt yourself

Do not be as stupid as I was. I tried to force my bridge just once and payed for it with two months of lower back pain.

I was not that out of shape. I have been climbing, running, cycling and dancing tango regularly. I was also taking hatha yoga and bodywork classes that focused on control and not forcing ourselves into positions our bodies can not handle.

Still, I hurt myself. The muscles that were supposed to lift me up were weak, yes, but my other weak spots were:

It only took one attempt and hello, painful back! I was lucky not to injure my wrists also.

I am much gentler with myself now.

To try to heal my back pain, I went through the GMB Elements program. That program focuses on movements on all fours, which strengthened my back and conditioned my wrists. After a few months of exercises, I tried bridging again. Slowly, very slowly, and stopping immediately if there was any pain.

Could I progress faster if I tried harder? Probably, but I am in no rush. As long as I can see progress, I am happy. I still have lost of time and I am not trying to be a gymnast.

Getting better, slowly

This exercise is part of the GMB Integral Strength program. On average, I only do two minutes (4 series of half a minute) of it about every three days, but I also do other exercises for the core. Of course, I began with an easier version.

My best in December 2016, after 1.5 months of practice. I can only lift myself enough to put my head onto the floor.

After 0.6 years of practice I can get higher, but I can not do it slowly. I can not control the speed on the way up or down:

After 1.6 years I have more control, but in the last few centimeters of descent I still fall.

After 2 years I have better control:

What now? I will try to put more weight onto my hands, which will also require more flexibility in my shoulders.

— 2019/01/19