Our tango performances

This is how we dance.

This is how we dance.

December 2018 - Milonga Linda

We were invited to perform at Milonga Linda in Ljubljana. This was our first performance in front of a tango-educated audience. The performance motivated us to practice more.

We were very nervous. We improvised everything—nothing was set. I like the third song we danced the most:

Our best dance was actually the additional song, where we dance with the performances from previous editions of Milonga Linda. Having friends around us helped us relax:

And the first two songs:

  1. Di sarli - Sin ti
  2. D’Arienzo - Yo me quedó con el tango (Susanita)

Thank you for the recordings, pvalveproduction.

November 2015 - Beep

We performed at this event because our friend and mentor Sanja, who was to perform there, got injured. We danced one song:

Recording by Dean Gostimirović (DEYGONNASEE). Thank you!

— 2018/12/28